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new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 20/12/2011 by midorigoi.1


 these are the two new additions , can anyone possitively identify as i have no way of knowing as the owner died

thanks Carl

Re: new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 20/12/2011 by DavidWYork

Hi Carl. You are not forgotten...just that I am a last minute Christmas type. Oops.

Now then Carl, we really need photos of undersides, tail and back leg area. These need to be as close and clear as possible. I will be looking at shell pattern, tail end and also thighs for spurs. Torties will not wake up, but I would do a couple of practice shots of say your shoe, to see how close and clear and bright you need to have readiness for a speedy photo shoot.

Regards, David nr York

Re: new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 20/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

Hi  David il get some sorted tommorow

thanks again and good luck with the shopping

thanks Carl

Re: new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 20/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

Hi  David il get some sorted tommorow

thanks again and good luck with the shopping

thanks Carl

Re: new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 21/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

Hi David ive added some pics , hope they help

they still seem a bit to active tho , temp is a bit up and down , dont have this issue with the hermanns as she has an insulated box and stays in the garage , what temperature would you recommend for the age , type , size etc ?

thanks again Carl

Re: new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 21/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

having a few issues with a different camera and uploading them , not all pics loaded first time ? keeps saying unable to display the page ?

will try again in a bit

thanks Carl

Re: new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 21/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

is it worth posting my email addy then i can attach them to anyone , this isnt working aahhhh !

Re: new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 24/12/2011 by DavidWYork

You are not forgotten, honestly. Been on the case a while.

As I see it, I think you have a Hermann's (smaller of the two, the LH tortoise of lower set of photos ), and a Testudo graeca, probably Whitei . I do need to see a closer pic of the tail area of the smaller beast. In the picture there now I can just make out what looks to me like an end of tail spike, and no spurs on the thighs. Do not stress, nothing is going to change for them in hibernation. You need to try and find out more about their long have they been together for instance? Were they kept as a pair or separately?

Giving a positive identification from photos is not always straight forward. I have zoomed pics considerably but just could not see clearly enough the smaller beast's tail area. I will be away for next few days, and not on line, so will not be able to post til Wednesday. Perhaps someone else will reply with either supporting or conflicting thoughts. DO NOT STRESS, you have done your best to help these beasts. There is a way forward.

Merry Christmas from David nr York.

Re: new additions , can anyone i d for me
Posted: 24/12/2011 by midorigoi.1

Hi David

thanks again for your input , i thought the little one looked like a hermanns but i thought she was too big at 12"

ive managed to get hold of a name of a woman who used to help the last owner out with caring for the torts and have left a message as she is away for christmas , but ive been told they have been kept together in a pen for atleast 25 years by the owner and they were his cousins before that and again came as a pair, so hopefully after xmas il have a little bit more info ? the bigger one has a noticeable recess in his plastron so im assuming hes a male and that the little one is a female as hers is slightly convexed. hopefully the other pics may work as i tried to put them on the other day but couldnt get them up !

thanks again and Merry Christmas to all users on the site


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