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Posted: 02/12/2011 by Idiot123

OMG...IM SUCH AN daughter wanted to buy me my 1st Tortiose and I havnt done my research....I have phoned Carslile and given them my debit card number and the money has gone out of my account and now im feeling sick....what can I do if he sells me wrong Tortoise???  please help and advise me PLEASE 

Posted: 03/12/2011 by TPGDarren

You've obviously realised these are not the best people to get a tortose from. You can try and cancel, else it's going to be a case of providing the best environment for the tortoise you get and hope it will be healthy.
May I ask what species you are getting please? We can certainly help with advise with regards to your set-up and husbandry if you'd like?

Kindest Regards


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