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what tortoises do not hibernate
Posted: 02/12/2011 by sam86

i am new to this hobby and i would like to know what tortoises do not hibernate if there are any

Re: what tortoises do not hibernate
Posted: 02/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Sam
The ones I can name off the top of my head are
Sulcata's, Leopards, Indian Stars, Redfoot's & Yellow foot's. You wouldn't be wrong to say that all tortoises that live in a climate which is more or else constant in temps, are non hibernating. It is advisable to read about the different species and decide what one would be more suitable for you to keep, and learn all about them.

Re: what tortoises do not hibernate
Posted: 02/12/2011 by tortoise7

Sorry, forgot to say Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: what tortoises do not hibernate
Posted: 02/12/2011 by TPGDarren

Hi Sam,

Lots of people tend to choose non-hibernating species because they are concerned about the hibernation process and because they believe that non-hibernating species are the easier option. This isn't true at all. The reason non-hibernating species don't hibernate is that they come from a climate vastly different to ours. I would always recommend people take on a tortoise from a climate nearest to ours as possible. For example, many choose Redfoots. These tortoises have evolved in a rainforest climate, far different to ours and it is difficult to replicate due to space requirements in the winter and the cost.
As Jane has quite rightly said, it is very important to fully explore what each species requires; correct environment, availability of natural food for them, suffucient space and the cost of heating/providing them with what they require. All of these, without exception, are more difficult to achieve over the winter months.
Hibernation, is a very natural process for tortoises, we just need to tweak things a little to get the conditions right:-)

Re: what tortoises do not hibernate
Posted: 02/12/2011 by sam86

ok thanks i would then like to buy a tortoise and a tortoise table to is this setup good its a website that is selling a herman and the table and all the stuff i am not selling it i would buy it if you tortoise lover say its a good thing to get again i am not selling for them

Re: what tortoises do not hibernate
Posted: 03/12/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Sam
I would strongly recommend that you buy a tortoise from a recommended  UK breeder, please find a link below

Advertising any pets for Christmas presents and offering courier delivery of any live stock, is something I would personally steer clear from, as I would find it very irresponsible, and something I would not like to encourage.
Darren has given you some good advice, and it would be a good idea to have a read about the species you would like to own, so you are prepared for their up keep. Hermans or Horsfields are a good choice, as their climates are nearer to ours, with a few adjustments.
It is better to take your time than to rush into owning a pet, it makes owning them much more pleasurable
Let us know what you decide

Re: what tortoises do not hibernate
Posted: 03/12/2011 by sam86

i have wanted a tortoise for 20 years now, but i thought it was about £1000 for just a baby. i am disabled and i was watching tv 1 day and they were talking about them, they said you can get babies for about £150 so i am now looking for a tortoise, but i dont have a car so i am not able to get around very well there are no breeders near me, i live in harrow middlesex also dont know were to buy a tortoise table at all do you know of any breeders near harrow i would rather contact a breeder near me than get one from a pet shop. after reading your information. it has opened my eyes to the way pet shops operate and the way the tortoises are brought to the uk. my name is sam


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