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Hibernation Query
Posted: 22/11/2011 by Alfie123


This is the first year I have hibernated my tortoise, he is 8 and I have had him 18 months, last year I over wintered him. I have followed the advise given, 3-4 weeks of no food and heat, bathing regularly to empty his stomach. Finally I placed Rocky in his hibernation box on Saturday and have worried constantly since. I am using the double box method with the outer box made of polystyrene, I have a temperature probe and initially the temperature in the day was 9-10c so I decided to take him out of the double box and leave him in the single as it was too warm. The temperature dropped to 8c and 4.6c in the night. The next day I decided to place back in the double box as I was worried about vermin. Again the temperature is around 9-10c which is too warm so I placed ice packs inbetween the boxes to try to reduce the temperature and it lowered to 8c. This morning I have checked today and the temperature is 9-10c, again too warm I decided to get Rocky out and check on him, he seems okay but his eyes are wide open, is this normal or is he not in hibernation. Should his eyes be shut like he is asleep. This is such a worry, please help me, wish I had overe wintered. I really would appreciate som advice. Thanks Karen      

Re: Hibernation Query
Posted: 23/11/2011 by tortoise7

Hi Karen

Where are you putting the box? 9-10c is too high as you already know, so if you are going to continue with the hibernation, you will need to keep find areas that are within the 4-7 range. Poor you, sounds like your having a nightmare, stay cool and don't panic, if the worst comes then you will have to over winter and try again next year, but at least he will be safe.

Re: Hibernation Query
Posted: 23/11/2011 by TPGDarren

Hi Karen,

Have you thought of using soil for the substrate? As soil is very dense it will cut down the temperature fluctuations (night/day) and you'll find your tortoise will be far more settled. Also, if we have another winter like the last few years - it will protect your tortoise from frost.


Re: Hibernation Query
Posted: 23/11/2011 by Alfie123

Hi Jane,

He is in the garage, which is brick built, am going to change the substrate at the weekend as Darren has suggested.

If I do manage to reduce the temperature how can I tell if he is in hibernation, will his eyes be open? 

Thanks Karen 

Re: Hibernation Query
Posted: 23/11/2011 by Alfie123

Hi Darren,

I am going to change the substrate as suggested. Am hoping that will work. Will see how the next week goes.

Thanks Karen

Re: Hibernation Query
Posted: 23/11/2011 by DavidWYork

I agree with Darren. You will be surprised hot cool moist soil will become. As the  water evaporates, it cools down the soil significantly. When I was very young my mum put wet cloths over milk bottles in the the water evaporated the milk cooled down. Try the moist soil method and watch the temperature drop.

Regards, David nr York

Re: Hibernation Query
Posted: 23/11/2011 by TPGDarren

Good Luck Karen:-)
I'm pretty sure you'll find it'll work just fine:-)

Re: Hibernation Query
Posted: 23/11/2011 by TPGDarren

Hi Karen,
You can use a max/min thermometer with a probe to keep an eye on the temps. I would be inclined to try and not disturb him for the first couple of weeks at least.



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