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Posted: 17/11/2011 by shelleyb

hi ive just got a tortoise and i want to pimp it up , does anyone know where to get the charms from and is it better to stick them on the shell or drill a hole on the edge to dangle them,i thought if i put a bell on then i could always find it in my wild garden thanks guys

Re: charms
Posted: 17/11/2011 by TPGDarren

Perhaps you could cover it with tinsel and add some Christmas lights too:-(.
Probably best, if you really have got a tortoise, to do a lot of reading before you do anything, as this does sound a teeny bit like a wind up (can't imagine anyone actually thinking what you suggest is OK).

Re: charms
Posted: 17/11/2011 by shelleyb

hi i dont see why you should think its a wind up , my friend has drilled through her tortoise and put string on it so it doesnt wander off,and it is fine,its only like human nails so i might use nail charms ,i was told this was the best site for tortoise advise so just thought id check .thanks anyway

Re: charms
Posted: 18/11/2011 by TPGDarren

Please don' drill through the shell it will create a weakness and it may possibly break. Also, tortoises are reptiles and have a limited brain capacity. They operate mainly on instinct. If they see an open space they will try and walk towards it. It will not be able to comprehend it is tethered which can be extremely distressing for them and they can easily become entangled in the string or whatever is used.


Re: charms
Posted: 18/11/2011 by rainy22

cant believe im reading this post must be a wind up Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: charms
Posted: 19/11/2011 by DavidWYork

Whether wind up or genuine, this poster is a complete waste of space, and ought to grow up!

David nr York

Re: charms
Posted: 19/11/2011 by tortoise7

What a terrible shame that you have been given such awful and terrible information, and very cruel. Please read your post and see how it reads to others on this site.
To answer your question on drilling the shell. The shell is not like our dead nail, which is the part we cut and paint, is like the fleshy part covered in nail, which has tissue and nerve underneath, now try to image someone drilling through that part to other side, this will give you an idea of how this feels to the tortoise, and decide how painful that would feel. Like Darren has said, there is also a great cause for infection, which could develop into septicaemia.
I really do hope and pray that this post was just to provoke a reaction, as the thought that this is really happening would be heart breaking
Kind regards



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