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Hibernation of Mediterranean Tortoises
Posted: 15/11/2011 by Nicole

Please can someone help. I had a lady come today to look at my babies. She has been told by a reptile store in Ashford that new research has revealed that it is no longer necessary to hibernate Mediterranean Tortoises in the UK. I have not heard any such thing but I am just wondering if anyone else has heard this new advice.
Many thanks

Re: Hibernation of Mediterranean Tortoises
Posted: 16/11/2011 by TPGDarren

Hi Nicole,

You're quite right, it's absolute rubbish!!
The trouble with these reptile stores is they will often say anything to either keep their potential customer happy...or say something to disguise the fact they actually know very little about how to keep the unfortunate animals they sell.
Fact: Tortoises have evolved over millions of years to suit the environment they live in. Putting them in a vivarium in a pet shop does not cancel out millions of years of evolution. Hibernation is far more than merely a rest period, and anyone who keeps Spurs, Hermanns and many other species of hibernating tortoise knows from their behavioural changes that hibernation is very natural.


Re: Hibernation of Mediterranean Tortoises
Posted: 16/11/2011 by Nicole

Thanks Darren....just thought I was missing something! In the process of re-homing my babies I am amazed at what some people do or are led to believe!! Thanks for the clarification :o)

Re: Hibernation of Mediterranean Tortoises
Posted: 16/11/2011 by TPGDarren

You're very welcome:-)


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