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Are the winter nights in Egypt warm enough for spur Thighs ?
Posted: 28/12/2009 by Tara

Hi , Happy new year to all and a question about winter nights in Egypt . My two Torts have just finished a course of Baytril and are both looking good, they have not eaten in nearly two weeks but are getting plenty of warm baths and the weather is brilliant during the day. They seem to want to settle in the garden at nights under rocks ect and I dont know if I should leave them outside or bring them in. The night temps here are 16c but will drop in Jan to 14c and under ( not much under ) I don't want to do more harm by bringing them inside if they are happy and in their own little chosen spots outside. Can anyone give me advice on this. The vet here told me to leave them ouside but is this warm enough for them to survive? Thanks so much Tara

Re: Are the winter nights in Egypt warm enough for spur Thighs ?
Posted: 29/12/2009 by Dave K

Hi Tara,

14 degrees would be getting a little on the cool side at night, it might be worth bringing them into the warm overnight especially as they have just completed a course of antibiotics. They may be heading under stones at night in an attempt to stay warm (stone will retain heat from the day and dissipate it overnight). An alternative (and I'm not sure how easy this would be to get hold of where you are) would be a small shelter in the form of a cold frame of similar. This too would retain some heat from the day and heat up quickly in the morning. A cold frame can be something as simple as a hut made of bricks or wood  with a piece of plastic sheet acting as a roof. This will allow heat (but not UVB) through and trap it like a greenhouse.

Re: Are the winter nights in Egypt warm enough for spur Thighs ?
Posted: 29/12/2009 by Tara

Thanks a lot Dave, the strange thing is its brilliant weather during the day but the big tort has no interest in basking in the sun, he just wants to get out of it and under his rock in the shade, I have had to move him to another area as it's cold and damp were he is heading to every day. I still bring them in at nights and will have to do so until March or April. They finished their course of Baytril yesterday and I am hoping they are just sulking and will perk up again and eat ect. There is just no way I can let them hibernate this year after all they have been through

Kind Regards Tara

Re: Are the winter nights in Egypt warm enough for spur Thighs ?
Posted: 29/12/2009 by Dave K

Hi Tara,

They might be feeling the after effects of the illness and antibiotics. I would keep putting the reluctant tortoise in the basking spot even if he chooses to wander off, the heat may give him the kick start he needs.  Hope they pick up for you soon.

Re: Are the winter nights in Egypt warm enough for spur Thighs ?
Posted: 29/12/2009 by Tara

Hi Dave,

Will do that, I felt like I was picking him up too much to put him in the sun again but the wee devil knows where to go I can't believe how clever the little tinkers are !! I am hopeing they will start eating again in the next couple of days.

Thanks again ,Regards Tara


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