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Equipment question from a Newbie!?
Posted: 08/11/2009 by Bordertorts

Hi all,

I am doing lots of research on getting/caring for a tortoise as my husband and I are thinking of getting one. I have found a breeder (on here) who has some hatchlings and now I need to get all my equipment.....I am going to use an old piece of furniture for my Tort table (with seed trays) and think I will get a Megaray bulb and use a clamp lamp holder (any advice on this gratefully received?) I have ordered some Tlady seed mix so I can start growing weeds asap but I am confused over what monitoring equipment I will need (Temperature, UV etc?)

I have also questioned the breeder on hibernation and she says she does hibernate her hatchlings but that she says she has been doing it a long time! Should I attempt hibernation.....I'm looking at fridges at the moment? or is it best to over winter until we're more confident Tortoise parents!?

Any info/help would be great? I hope none of you mind all the questions and a huge Thank you for all the information you provide on the website and on this forum!

Thanks again, Helen Click and drag me down to the editor

Re: Equipment question from a Newbie!?
Posted: 09/11/2009 by TPGDarren

Hi Helen,  Click and drag me down to the editor

The clamp lamp holders are perfectly fine. Best to suspend the clamp lamp from directly above (not use the clamp). If it is fitted to the side of the enclosure the UVB rays will shine directly into the tortoise's eyes which can cause sight damage.
Megaray is one of of the best lamps on the market. You will need to suspend this directly above the table at a height that produces a basking area of around 30deg C. In most houses the ambient temperature will suffice during the day (with your lamp producing the basking area - daytime) and at night. Ideally the background temperature needs to be around 20deg C.

Regarding hibernation, some keepers do hibernate babies the first year and although they will hibernate in the wild the first year (as they have no choice), this is no doubt the time when they are at greatest risk. I'd be inclined to wait until next year to give them a chance to mature and yourself time to prepare

Kindest Regards


Re: Equipment question from a Newbie!?
Posted: 13/11/2009 by clairesimmons1974

Hi This is an important post, I have a question to ask please. When you suggest hanging the shade straight down, how do you clip the cable to secure it to the wire on the rabbit cage roofing. Without securing it, it will fall straight onto the floor with the Tortoise. I hope this makes sense :)
and also do we have to remove the plug so that the cable can be fed through, then refit the plug?

Re: Equipment question from a Newbie!?
Posted: 14/11/2009 by VivTPG

Hi Claire, I use cable ties to secure my lights and little plastic clamps (I think I got them form the pound shop!) they clamp the wire to the side to keep it secure and tidy!

Hope this helps, regards VivienneClick and drag me down to the editorClick and drag me down to the editor

Re: Equipment question from a Newbie!?
Posted: 15/11/2009 by clairesimmons1974

Hi, I have cables ties! Cool! I had tried to tell from pics in the gallery but wasn't clear enough. Thank you Claire


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