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Tortoise aggression
Posted: 01/06/2016 by Melton12

Hi, looking for a little advice please, my 39 year old tortoise has suddenly turned aggressive. He would always chase our feet but last week he bit into my sisters arm while she was in my garden helping me paint fences. He is constantly humping anything lying about, I have a 3 year old granddaughter and fear he may bite her. I am thinking of rehoming. But who would want to take on an aggressive tortoise. I'm not sure what to do. Any advice would be greatly received. Thank you 

Re: Tortoise aggression
Posted: 02/06/2016 by Tom


He may have been hungry, it can cause 'snapping'.
Is its eyesight good ?  
Males get 'randy' in early summer.
The above are things to consider.

It depends how much you like him. You could knock up a temporary pen for when your granddaughter is around. 


Re: Tortoise aggression
Posted: 02/06/2016 by Melton12

Thank you for the reply Tom. He always has food available so I don't think it's that. Think his eyesight is ok as he always chases our feet. He is constantly randy and humps anything that is about. 

Re: Tortoise aggression
Posted: 04/06/2016 by Tom

Ok, - there's nothing you can do to stop it, it's natural behaviour in some males.

So it's the temporary pen & back to plenty of space when your grandchild leaves.



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