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Posted: 23/10/2015 by Sarah.dixon

Hi I'm a new owner of a 9 month old horse field tortoise. He hasn't been eating for 7 days I took him to the vets and they said he is healthy but to take temperatures of his basking temperatures. I've just got a bulb direct reading of 28°c and under card board under bulb reading off 24°c. He still won't eat any guddies I give him such as apples, carrot, caurgette dandelion or lettus and seems to sleep under the basking uv heat bulb all day and is not pvery active, has anyone got any advice for me, I'm worried he will stave to death. I have a tortoise table set up with one uv mercury heat bulb. 

Re: Heating
Posted: 23/10/2015 by Tom


Can I ask where you got it ?

Can you also send pics of the setup please ? If not, don't worry, just send the info.

Put your thermometer on the 'table', below the centre of your bulb, for a few minutes - what is the temp. ?


Re: Heating
Posted: 26/10/2015 by Tom

In the absence of a reply - only 1 food item is correct.

Horsfields are 99.9% imported, mostly wild caught, so a poor choice of species.

Re: Heating
Posted: 26/10/2015 by Sarah.dixon

Hi tom thankyou for your reply, I have done a temp reading under the bulb and got 31•c and surrounding areas 26•c. He still isn't eating and not done a poop on 2 weeks. I got his from a local reptile store in kendal. I'm just starting to worry about him, he is very unresponsive now. I'll try post a picture off my set up now. 

Re: Heating
Posted: 29/10/2015 by Tom

Hello Sarah,

Your setup is fine, 'though you could add a dome reflector. 
How long have you had it & was it eating well b4 feeding ceased ?


Re: Heating
Posted: 31/10/2015 by Sarah.dixon

Hi tom I have just had him for 4 weeks, he started eatin well again over the last two days, but sadly he died last night and I'm so gutted and I don't know what killed him, the vet can't tell me anything and I reluctant to get another until I know what killed him. I've read how to look after them an I don't think I did anything wrong. But what if I did...? May just put it down to being sick by nature. I light some candles the other night could that hve done it? Other than that I can't see what could have happened? 

Re: Heating
Posted: 31/10/2015 by Tom

I'm sorry to hear that Sarah,

It is common with imported horsfields. Candles are unlikely to be the cause of death.

Where did you get it ? 
Whilst money will not help, you are entitled to compensation at some stage. These pet dealers should be 'hit' where it hurts - in their bank accounts. Their only motivation is money.



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